Bitcoin trading forecast for October 30th-November 2nd, 2018

Trading is possible. Still we have very dangerous situation now. BTC came to the edge of the Triangle and has already tried to break through it. It’ll definitely try again!
If the price breaks down out of the Triangle the the fall can be very quick and intense (up to 2000 points).
If BTC breaks up out of the Triangle it can rise very quickly and intensely too.
Don’t forget to put proper stop-losses according to your risk management!

NOTE. There is some sort of unpredictability of the market now. Indicators’ signals miss the real movement of price sometimes. The volumes of bought/sold BTC don’t correlate with the price’s moving. Oscillator’s indicators can be in Overbought/Oversold zone for a week or even more.
There can often be some plot to such a situation. If we notice such unusual (unpredictable) activity we’ll give its analysis and conclusions in our extra posts.

*predictions are made on the basis of several indicators. Only 1-2 indicators are shown on the screenshots for the purpose of not overloading the chart’s pics with technical details and indicators’ lines.

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